Jane Seymour is helping Insmed raise awareness around aging, healthcare and the importance of speaking up to doctors (Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP Images)

In­smed en­cour­ages peo­ple to 'S­peak Up' in new mar­ket­ing ef­fort

In­smed wants to rec­og­nize pa­tients who feel un­seen or ig­nored, pub­lish­ing a new sur­vey, host­ing a pan­el dis­cus­sion with celebri­ty par­tic­i­pants and de­but­ing a new ad cam­paign.

Its vir­tu­al pan­el this week cen­tered on what it calls “un­seenism” in women over age 40, and in­clud­ed ac­tress Jane Sey­mour — best known for play­ing “Dr. Quinn, Med­i­cine Woman” on CBS from 1993 to 1998 — along with ad­vo­cate and ac­tor Tina Lif­ford and pa­tients, dis­cussing how to han­dle the prob­lem of be­ing over­looked as they age in both their every­day lives and health­care.

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