Jerry Durso was promoted to CEO last month, part of a broader shakeup in Intercept's leadership

In­ter­cept shake­up con­tin­ues as CMO, for­mer NASH chief re­signs. Is the NASH biotech aban­don­ing its flag­ship dis­ease?

First, they said good­bye to their found­ing CEO af­ter 18 years. Now, In­ter­cept is los­ing its CMO too, an ex­ec­u­tive who led the com­pa­ny’s flag­ship NASH pro­gram for much of its clin­i­cal de­vel­op­ment.

In­ter­cept re­vealed in an SEC fil­ing Mon­day that Ja­son Cam­pagna ten­dered his res­ig­na­tion and will leave the com­pa­ny on March 5. His de­par­ture comes three months af­ter the com­pa­ny abrupt­ly an­nounced they were re­plac­ing long­time CEO Mark Pruzan­s­ki with COO and for­mer Sanofi com­mer­cial chief Jer­ry Dur­so.

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