In­vestors give ail­ing Unum a lease on life and a whole new suite of ex­per­i­men­tal can­cer drugs

In­vestors, it seems, are will­ing to give Unum Ther­a­peu­tics one last shot — or at least one last shot to a com­pa­ny of that name.

The ail­ing can­cer biotech, be­set by a se­ries of clin­i­cal holds and mul­ti­ple failed lead pro­grams, an­nounced to­day that they’ve ac­quired Kiq LLC and that in­vestors are putting in $104 mil­lion to ad­vance Kiq’s pipeline of ki­nase in­hibitors. Unum share­hold­ers will now own on­ly 16.2% of the com­pa­ny and CEO Chuck Wil­son in­di­cat­ed that the cell ther­a­pies the biotech has worked on since its found­ing may be on their way out, say­ing Unum will “ex­plore strate­gic op­tions” for those prod­ucts.

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