Dave Hering, Invivyd CEO

In­vivyd re­quests emer­gency use au­tho­riza­tion for Covid-19 pre­ven­tive an­ti­body among im­muno­com­pro­mised

In­vivyd has asked the FDA for an emer­gency use au­tho­riza­tion for its Covid-19 pre-ex­po­sure pre­ven­tion an­ti­body, the Mass­a­chu­setts-based biotech an­nounced Wednes­day.

The com­pa­ny’s mon­o­clon­al an­ti­body is de­signed to pre­vent symp­to­matic Covid-19 among im­muno­com­pro­mised adults and ado­les­cents. Be­cause they have a weak­ened im­mune sys­tem, they don’t typ­i­cal­ly get enough pro­tec­tion from vac­cines. As­traZeneca’s an­ti­body Evusheld was pre­vi­ous­ly au­tho­rized for this pop­u­la­tion, but its EUA was with­drawn in Jan­u­ary 2023.

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