Io­vance’s Am­tagvi sees ‘healthy de­mand’ af­ter US ap­proval

Around 12 days af­ter win­ning an FDA thumbs up, Io­vance Bio­ther­a­peu­tics’ ad­vanced melanoma treat­ment Am­tagvi has signed on 20 pa­tients in what an­a­lysts de­scribe as a promis­ing launch.

The tu­mor-in­fil­trat­ing lym­pho­cyte (TIL) ther­a­py was the first of its kind to win US ac­cel­er­at­ed ap­proval on Feb. 16. It is al­so the first FDA-ap­proved T cell ther­a­py for a sol­id tu­mor in­di­ca­tion, specif­i­cal­ly in ad­vanced melanoma that per­sists af­ter treat­ment with an an­ti-PD-1 and tar­get­ed ther­a­py.

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