IPO boom: An­ti­body ex­perts at Gen­mab out­line glob­al am­bi­tion in pitch for $500M

Gen­mab has made a name — and some de­cent mon­ey — for it­self as the heavy­weight part­ner of J&J that came up with the block­buster Darza­lex (dara­tu­mum­ab). But for the Copen­hagen-based biotech, it’s just the be­gin­ning of a jour­ney to be­come an in­ter­na­tion­al­ly ac­claimed play­er in an­ti­body-based can­cer ther­a­pies.

The com­pa­ny laid out its vi­sion in a fil­ing for a whop­ping $500 mil­lion IPO late Tues­day, un­equiv­o­cal­ly stat­ing that it plans to launch its own pro­pri­etary prod­uct — one it owns at least 50% of — by 2025. And there are at least five of these in the pipeline.

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