IPOs and ven­ture in­vest­ing rock on in Q2 as SPAC at­tack takes a break. But what hap­pened to the deals and M&A?

Right now, in­vest­ments in biotech are con­tin­u­ing to flow at record lev­els, with IPOs boom­ing and VCs con­tin­u­ing to in­vest from a fat round of new funds. But they’re def­i­nite­ly steal­ing all the thun­der from an ane­mic set of deals and a qui­et M&A scene where most big play­ers have been sit­ting it out.

Chris Doko­ma­ji­lar, the num­bers mae­stro at Deal­For­ma, broke down the most re­cent set of num­bers for us. You can see what the trends are in the charts be­low. Here’s his take on the key points:

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