Is Ama­zon plan­ning to dis­rupt the $560B pre­scrip­tion drug mar­ket?

All the buzz out of Ama­zon these days in­di­cates that the on­line jug­ger­naut is look­ing to dis­rupt the gi­ant US health­care mar­ket. And now the rum­blings point to a po­ten­tial Ama­zon earth­quake in the $560 bil­lion pre­scrip­tion phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals mar­ket.

Gold­man Sachs as­sem­bled a 30-page re­port that es­sen­tial­ly out­lined how Ama­zon could re­vamp an in­dus­try not­ed for its puz­zling pric­ing mod­els, with po­ten­tial for rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing the way Amer­i­cans or­der and get their drugs on a mass scale. Phar­ma­cies would be un­like­ly to cel­e­brate any of this, but the an­a­lysts see Ama­zon’s en­try as one way to solve the puz­zle on pric­ing trans­paren­cy, while open­ing up broad ac­cess to a huge mar­ket with lots of cross-sell­ing po­ten­tial.

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