Stéphane Bancel, Moderna CEO (Adam Glanzman/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

It's a big day for Mod­er­na — and the world — as the FDA stamps an EUA on their vac­cine. And there are some im­por­tant lessons to re­mem­ber

The FDA came through with an emer­gency au­tho­riza­tion for Mod­er­na’s mR­NA vac­cine for Covid-19 late Fri­day, in keep­ing with the fast de­liv­ery ex­pect­ed from reg­u­la­tors fol­low­ing a unan­i­mous pan­el vote in its fa­vor Thurs­day.

The ap­proval has the great­est im­pact in the US, where Mod­er­na is ex­pect­ed to rapid­ly start rolling out tens of mil­lions of dos­es, even as a bit­ter wran­gle de­vel­ops over what is hap­pen­ing with Pfiz­er/BioN­Tech’s sup­ply chain. In this case, un­like Pfiz­er, the biotech is mar­ket­ing its very first prod­uct. Now, it has to lit­er­al­ly de­liv­er on sched­ule, while fac­ing the same kind of skep­ti­cism that greet­ed the 10-year-old de­vel­op­ment rev­o­lu­tion­ary when they set out to build a pipeline.

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