Last year's Endpoints 11 with John Carroll and Tim Springer (Michael Last Photography)

It’s time to nom­i­nate your fa­vorite pri­vate biotech for this year’s End­points 11

I’ve got a query for you to­day.

Do you know a tru­ly great pri­vate biotech out there with out­stand­ing man­age­ment, su­per sci­ence, am­bi­tious and nov­el drug de­vel­op­ment plans, and the re­sources and back­ing need­ed to see the game out to piv­otal da­ta?

If you’ve been read­ing End­points News for awhile, you’ll know why I’m ask­ing. Every year for a stretch that now ex­ceeds many of your ca­reers, I’ve been as­sem­bling a ros­ter of pri­vate — let me em­pha­size the pri­vate part — biotechs that de­serve to be spe­cial­ly rec­og­nized for their ef­forts.

The End­points 11 has long been my fa­vorite project of the year. We plan to head to the State Room in Boston on the evening of Sept. 26 to pub­licly cel­e­brate this year’s se­lec­tion of re­mark­able and note­wor­thy com­pa­nies. Like last year, I’ll be re­ly­ing on lots of help for this as we nav­i­gate the se­lec­tion process, with Drew Arm­strong, An­drew Dunn and Ryan Cross all pitch­ing in, along­side many oth­ers on the End­points team.

Which brings me back to my query.

If you know a com­pa­ny that fits the bill, here’s the link to sub­mit their name for con­sid­er­a­tion. We’d like to hear from you, briefly, about what sets them apart.

Of course, there aren’t any guar­an­tees in this busi­ness. The more am­bi­tious the ven­ture, the greater the risk. Not every End­points 11 com­pa­ny is vic­to­ri­ous in the end. Bit­ter de­feats and set­backs are part of the source code of biotech. This is an in­dus­try where you can be com­plete­ly right about try­ing, and com­plete­ly wrong when you get the an­swer back in hu­man da­ta. But it’s a long haul from start to fin­ish in biotech, and the most promis­ing de­serve some recog­ni­tion along the way.

These com­pa­nies are, af­ter all, the fu­ture of biotech.

There are no par­tic­u­lar guide­lines. This recog­ni­tion is not lim­it­ed to Boston or the Bay Area. There are no re­stric­tions on who’s back­ing the com­pa­nies. It’s wide open to the best and bright­est.

I hope to hear from you soon. The dead­line for re­spond­ing is Ju­ly 8.

Director of IT, Security

Viridian Therapeutics

Waltham, MA, USA