Fireside chat between Hal Barron and John Carroll, UKBIO19

It’s time we talked about bio­phar­ma — live in Lon­don next week

Zoom can on­ly go so far. And I think at this stage, we’ve all test­ed the lim­its of stay­ing in touch — vir­tu­al­ly. So I’m par­tic­u­lar­ly hap­py now that we’ve revved up the trav­el ma­chine to point my­self to Lon­don for the first time in sev­er­al years.

What­ev­er events we have lined up, we’ve al­ways built in plen­ty of op­por­tu­ni­ties for all of us to get to­geth­er and talk. For Lon­don, live, I plan to be right out front, meet­ing with and chat­ting with the small crowd of bio­phar­ma peo­ple we are host­ing on Oc­to­ber 12 at Sil­i­con Val­ley Bank’s Lon­don head­quar­ters. And there’s a lengthy mix­er at the end I’m most look­ing for­ward to, with sev­er­al net­work­ing open­ings be­tween ses­sions.

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