‘It’s us against the world’: And George Yan­copou­los wants you to know they are beat­ing the world — big time

George Yan­copou­los doesn’t think very high­ly of the com­pe­ti­tion Re­gen­eron $REGN faces in the fren­zied scram­ble for a ma­jor share of the PD-1/L1 mar­ket.

Dur­ing a fair­ly brief sit-down at JP­Mor­gan, the Re­gen­eron R&D chief ridiculed Pfiz­er’s choice for check­point part­ner­ing, said mar­ket leader Mer­ck was now be­ing forced to play catch-up on Re­gen­eron’s first ap­proved in­di­ca­tion for their check­point Lib­tayo (cemi­plimab) and slammed the use of PD-L1s in gen­er­al — one of two tar­gets used to re­lease an im­mune sys­tem at­tack on can­cer cells — as “med­ical mal­prac­tice.”

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