Jazz dou­bles down on sleep dis­or­ders, putting down $50M cash to pluck Sum­it­o­mo drug for the pipeline

Mere weeks af­ter di­vest­ing a com­mer­cial treat­ment for ex­ces­sive day­time sleepi­ness, Jazz Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals has in-li­censed an ear­ly-stage pro­gram to test a new tar­get for a range of sleep dis­or­ders.

For $50 mil­lion up­front, Sum­it­o­mo Phar­ma is hand­ing over rights to de­vel­op an oral orex­in-2 re­cep­tor ag­o­nist that’s been through Phase I. Where­as Jazz will de­vel­op the drug in the US, Eu­rope and oth­er un­spec­i­fied ter­ri­to­ries, the Japan­ese drug­mak­er is re­tain­ing Japan, Chi­na and oth­er Asia-Pa­cif­ic re­gion­al rights.

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