Jazz earns ex­pand­ed ap­proval for drug with con­tro­ver­sial his­to­ry, prompt­ing ex­pert push­back

Twen­ty-sev­en years ago, the FDA and the Na­tion­al Or­ga­ni­za­tion for Rare Dis­or­ders ap­proached ex­ec­u­tives of a small Min­neso­ta drug­mak­er and asked whether they could turn a no­to­ri­ous date-rape drug and dan­ger­ous body­builder sup­ple­ment in­to a treat­ment for nar­colep­sy.

Near­ly three decades lat­er that chem­i­cal, known as GHB, is a block­buster med­i­cine for Jazz Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, gen­er­at­ing near­ly $2 bil­lion per year in rev­enue. Now Jazz may have un­locked a way of vast­ly ex­pand­ing the mar­ket.

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