DL Hughley headlines Janssen's multiple myeloma campaign to drive better outcomes for the Black community.

J&J’s Janssen calls on co­me­di­an to un­der­score mul­ti­ple myelo­ma in­equities in the Black com­mu­ni­ty

Co­me­di­an and ra­dio show host D.L. Hugh­ley is known for his quick wit and bold hu­mor, but his new cam­paign for J&J’s Janssen has a more se­ri­ous mis­sion. “That’s My Word” is tack­ling dis­par­i­ties in mul­ti­ple myelo­ma di­ag­no­sis and treat­ment in the Black com­mu­ni­ty. The ef­fort cen­ters on pledges, or peo­ple giv­ing their word, to spread in­for­ma­tion and in­crease aware­ness.

While Hugh­ley is not a pa­tient, he’s con­nect­ed to can­cer through his fa­ther and sis­ter, and he’s al­so a vo­cal ad­vo­cate for eq­ui­table health care.

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