J&J Vision's latest social media campaign encourages parents to get eye exams for kids going back to school.

J&J sets its sights on par­ents — and chil­dren’s vi­sion — in new back-to-school so­cial me­dia cam­paign

John­son & John­son is giv­ing par­ents an ex­tra item to check off their back-to-school lists — eye ex­ams. A new J&J Vi­sion cam­paign from its Acu­vue Abil­i­ti brand fo­cus­es on my­opia, or near­sight­ed­ness, in chil­dren and the im­por­tance of a com­pre­hen­sive eye ex­am. Abil­i­ti lens­es are worn overnight while a child — or adult — sleeps and work to tem­porar­i­ly re­shape the cornea to al­low for bet­ter sight dur­ing the day with­out eye­glass­es.

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