Jnana has discovered a new way to potentially treat the metabolic disease PKU in its Boston labs. (Credit: Jnana)

Ex­clu­sive: Jnana says piv­otal tri­al of PKU pill could be­gin next year af­ter promis­ing re­sults from a small­er study

Jnana Ther­a­peu­tics, a Boston start­up that’s look­ing to tack­le a rare meta­bol­ic dis­ease, has re­port­ed promis­ing re­sults from an on­go­ing ear­ly clin­i­cal tri­al, giv­ing it line-of-sight to jump straight in­to a piv­otal study in 2025, the com­pa­ny told End­points News in an in­ter­view.

The study test­ed a twice-dai­ly pill in adults with phenylke­tonuria, or PKU, an in­her­it­ed dis­ease that leaves peo­ple un­able to break down a pro­tein build­ing block called pheny­lala­nine.

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