John Kaiser finds next CEO role at Duke spin­out Evecx­ia; Im­muno­core vet Namir Has­san moves to I/O biotech Zel­lu­na

Duke spin­out Evecx­ia has re­cruit­ed bio­phar­ma vet John Kaiser to steer clin­i­cal and busi­ness plans for its 5-hy­drox­ytryp­to­phan slow-re­lease de­pres­sion treat­ment. This will be his third time in a CEO role. Af­ter leav­ing a 28-year sales and mar­ket­ing ca­reer at Eli Lil­ly, Kaiser found­ed and ran a now-de­funct biotech, then had a stint as in­ter­im CEO at Cere­cor, where he had or­ches­trat­ed sev­er­al li­cens­ing deals as chief busi­ness of­fi­cer (Cere­cor is al­so de­vel­op­ing, among oth­er things, a de­pres­sion drug). Evecx­ia is now in the clin­ic with EVX-101, a first-line ad­junc­tive treat­ment for de­pressed pa­tients re­spond­ing in­ad­e­quate­ly to con­ven­tion­al an­ti­de­pres­sants, though it’s un­clear ex­act­ly what stage they are in.

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