John­son & John­son dri­ves pe­riph­er­al artery dis­ease aware­ness in new ‘Save Legs’ ini­tia­tive

Spurred by new claims da­ta, John­son & John­son’s Janssen is launch­ing a “ro­bust in­ter­ven­tion” around pe­riph­er­al artery dis­ease (PAD). The new “Save Legs. Change Lives” ef­fort aims to dri­ve ur­gency and ac­tion around the of­ten un­der-the-radar cir­cu­la­to­ry dis­ease.

The find­ings J&J said are con­cern­ing — culled from in­sur­ance claims da­ta — show that 61% of peo­ple in the US who un­der­go vas­cu­lar pro­ce­dures for PAD were un­aware that they had the con­di­tion. And al­though PAD is a known lead­ing cause of am­pu­ta­tion in the US, among pa­tients who un­der­go a leg am­pu­ta­tion an alarm­ing 70% die with­in three years.

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