Stephen Squinto, Life Sciences Private Capital chief investment officer

JP Mor­gan splash­es in­to the life sci­ences, tap­ping Stephen Squin­to to run ven­ture team with high-pow­ered ad­vi­sors

This morn­ing we’re get­ting an­oth­er clear sign of just how much pri­vate eq­ui­ty has come to love bio­phar­ma dur­ing these stress­ful post-boom times and bat­tered val­u­a­tions. And noth­ing says “I love you” quite as much as bil­lions in back­ing.

JP Mor­gan is the lat­est pri­vate eq­ui­ty play­er to get in­to the game — and they’re field­ing a pro team with high vis­i­bil­i­ty.

Alex­ion co-founder and ex-Or­biMed in­vestor Stephen Squin­to is lead­ing the new ven­ture group, promis­ing to play ad­vi­sor as well as fi­nancier to the life sci­ences com­pa­nies they back. Life Sci­ences Pri­vate Cap­i­tal is tak­ing the field to go af­ter “ear­ly and growth stage health­care com­pa­nies” with a spe­cial fo­cus on drugs and tech. Key ar­eas in­clude ge­net­ics, on­col­o­gy, neu­rode­gen­er­a­tion, rare dis­eases, AI and ML, meta­bol­ics and psy­chol­o­gy.

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