#JPM20: Five years af­ter first PC­SK9, No­var­tis goes for win as Sanofi moves on, Am­gen sal­vages what's left

Paul Hud­son

SAN FRAN­CIS­CO — Sanofi CEO Paul Hud­son spent ze­ro sec­onds of his pre­sen­ta­tion talk­ing about a car­dio­vas­cu­lar drug his com­pa­ny spent years de­vel­op­ing.

Robert Brad­way of Am­gen, the com­pa­ny whose ri­val prod­uct was so for­mi­da­ble Sanofi and their part­ner Re­gen­eron spent $67.5 mil­lion on a pri­or­i­ty re­view vouch­er to get theirs ap­proved faster, bare­ly touched on the drug. “We’ve made con­sid­er­able progress dur­ing the course of the year on im­prov­ing ac­cess to Repatha,” Brad­way said at his pre­sen­ta­tion, gloss­ing on the com­pa­ny’s deep strug­gles to sell a drug once billed as a po­ten­tial megablock­buster.

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