Elliott Investment Management's Marc Steinberg at #JPM24 (Brian Benton Photography)

El­liot­t's Marc Stein­berg sees more health­care in­vest­ments for the some­times-ac­tivist firm this year: #JPM24

SAN FRAN­CIS­CO — Af­ter 2023’s set of high-pro­file ac­tivist in­vest­ments in health­care, El­liott In­vest­ment Man­age­ment’s Marc Stein­berg sees more ac­tion this year in the space for his firm.

Stein­berg, a se­nior port­fo­lio man­ag­er who has been with El­liott for about nine years, spoke at End­points News‘ event at the JP Mor­gan Health­care Con­fer­ence, and said the in­vestor is con­stant­ly look­ing at long-term op­por­tu­ni­ties where it would make sense to make a large in­vest­ment and work with the com­pa­ny.

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