Wal­greens CEO says it would be easy for UK phar­ma­cy op­er­a­tion Boots to run sep­a­rate­ly amid talks of split­ting: #JPM24

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Wal­greens’ new CEO Tim Went­worth said it would be easy for Boots, the com­pa­ny’s phar­ma­cy chain in the Unit­ed King­dom, to split off and run as its own en­ti­ty.

The re­mark at End­points News’ event at the JP Mor­gan Health­care Con­fer­ence Tues­day while talk­ing through strate­gic op­tions in store for the phar­ma­cy gi­ant comes af­ter Bloomberg re­port­ed in De­cem­ber that Wal­greens is in talks to of­fload Boots. Bloomberg re­port­ed Boots could be val­ued at $8.8 bil­lion, with an IPO be­ing one of the op­tions.

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