Juno will pay $24M to set­tle the JCAR015 scan­dal — but don’t ex­pect that to change in­dus­try at­ti­tudes on re­port­ing sna­fus

A no­to­ri­ous string of pa­tient deaths caused by Juno Ther­a­peu­tics’ JCAR015 wound up killing the one-time CAR-T star, de­rail­ing their shot at join­ing the break­through race even­tu­al­ly won by No­var­tis and Kite. Through­out the con­tro­ver­sy, though, Juno ex­ecs fierce­ly main­tained that they had done every­thing by the book.

They nev­er budged an inch. Un­til now.

The com­pa­ny, now a sub­sidiary of Cel­gene, as well as for­mer CEO Hans Bish­op, have signed off on a $24 mil­lion pay­ment to the stock­hold­ers who brought a class ac­tion suit against the biotech based on their claims that the com­pa­ny had mis­led in­vestors by con­ceal­ing the death of the first pa­tient. 

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