Juno founders set their sights on cre­at­ing an ‘epic’ new biotech with high-rolling in­vestors at their back

Steve Harr has been busy.

Over the past 9 months or so, the for­mer Juno CFO who helped break ground on CAR-T tech has been cre­at­ing a new biotech called Sana Biotech­nol­o­gy with some big goals in mind.

Sana is jump­ing from stage right in­to what it hopes will be the cen­ter ring of next-gen tech­nol­o­gy aimed at cre­at­ing a new wave of cell and gene ther­a­pies that can be used off-the-shelf to go where need­ed to fix a va­ri­ety of dis­eases — un­bound by dis­ease fields or even hub bound­aries.

“We want to build some­thing that is epic in its im­pact on pa­tients,” says the CEO. Epic and en­dur­ing.

Harr isn’t talk­ing mon­ey right now — “you can make your own con­jec­tures” — but his 3 cur­rent back­ers tell me that mon­ey isn’t an is­sue.

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