Just how sad­ly mis­guid­ed is the FDA on ad­u­canum­ab?

I doubt very much that Bio­gen paid any­one at the FDA to get an ap­proval on ad­u­canum­ab with this gen­er­ous (?) la­bel. But if they had, I doubt that even the ex­ecs at Bio­gen would have asked for this much.

Cheat­ing re­quires some cau­tion, if you ex­pect to get away with it. And this one goes way past a cau­tious ma­nip­u­la­tion of reg­u­la­to­ry pow­ers in ac­com­plish­ing a megablock­buster com­pa­ny goal worth po­ten­tial­ly tens of bil­lions of dol­lars.

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