Keytru­da bo­nan­za in­spires a facelift and plans to in­vest more than $600M in trans­la­tion­al re­search

Sci­en­tists with the UK’s MRC Tech­nol­o­gy played a key role in hu­man­iz­ing the an­ti­body that would go on to be­come Keytru­da, Mer­ck’s new flag­ship check­point in­hibitor. And the wind­fall of cash that they get in a roy­al­ty stream from that ef­fort is fi­nanc­ing a makeover and a mis­sion to in­vest the cash, to fund the ig­ni­tion of new dis­cov­ery work aimed at spawn­ing a wave of new biotech prod­uct de­vel­op­ment projects.

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