Klick Health agency adds AI teams to ac­cel­er­ate phar­ma and health­care mar­ket­ing projects

While biotech and phar­ma R&D teams dive in­to ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence us­es for drug dis­cov­ery, one health­care and phar­ma agency is build­ing AI in­to its mar­ket­ing method­ol­o­gy. Klick Health is now be­gin­ning to use an AI tool it de­vel­oped to help take ear­ly stage repet­i­tive “ground­hog day” tasks out of mar­ket­ing and ad­ver­tis­ing projects.

Called Genome Per­spec­tive, the AI tool us­es Klick’s pro­pri­etary data­base and, af­ter Klick teams en­ter ba­sic project in­for­ma­tion, combs through past process­es to in­put in­for­ma­tion, ask ques­tions and fill in any blanks. The tool speeds up the ini­tial on­board­ing process for em­ploy­ees so they can move on to more valu­able tasks, Klick ex­ec­u­tives said.

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