Klick Health of­fers $1M prize pool for agency em­ploy­ees with in­no­v­a­tive AI so­lu­tions

Klick Health is tak­ing the phar­ma in­dus­try in­no­va­tion chal­lenge mod­el in­side its agency walls and of­fer­ing $1 mil­lion in awards to em­ploy­ees who come up with the best ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence ideas for clients.

The Klick Prize mon­ey will be di­vid­ed in­to dif­fer­ing amounts de­ter­mined by a pan­el of 12 phar­ma C-suite judges who will re­view ideas month­ly and dole out the amounts they agree on. The phar­ma ex­ecs, cur­rent­ly be­ing fi­nal­ized, are all Klick Health clients, said Klick CEO Leerom Se­gal.

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