KRAS G12C is the hot new play in can­cer R&D, and No­var­tis jumps in with a com­bo deal

These days in the fren­zied can­cer R&D field, every step for­ward with a monother­a­py is al­most im­me­di­ate­ly fol­lowed by a com­bo ap­proach. And we’re see­ing that again to­day.

A lit­tle more than a month since Am­gen whipped up some ex­cite­ment for its KRAS G12C pro­gram with a pos­i­tive ear­ly snap­shot of hu­man da­ta at AS­CO, No­var­tis is step­ping in­to the are­na — adding a part­ner­ship that puts them in the race with a com­bi­na­tion that will like­ly get plen­ty of added at­ten­tion in the clin­ic.

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