Kro­nos Bio ax­es near­ly one-fifth of staff to pre­serve cash for two can­cer pro­grams

Kro­nos Bio is down­siz­ing its work­force by 19% as part of broad­er re­struc­tur­ing ef­forts meant to save cash, so that the com­pa­ny can con­tin­ue work on its pro­grams in sol­id tu­mors and acute myeloid leukemia.

The US biotech plans to re­duce its staff in a bid to ex­tend its cash run­way through 2026. As of Jan. 1, Kro­nos Bio had 97 full-time em­ploy­ees, ac­cord­ing to an SEC fil­ing. In ad­di­tion to ad­vanc­ing its clin­i­cal-stage pro­grams, the com­pa­ny said it will al­so fo­cus its dis­cov­ery-stage work on “ma­tur­ing projects” and its part­ner­ship ac­tiv­i­ties with Genen­tech.

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