Let's go to Chi­na: Join End­points in Shang­hai for the first US-Chi­na Bio­phar­ma In­no­va­tion & In­vest­ment Sum­mit — Oc­to­ber 22-23 #BI­IS18

Re­cent­ly I told read­ers about a new part­ner­ship we struck in Chi­na, one that would help il­lu­mi­nate our on­line news cov­er­age of bio­phar­ma in an area of the world that has at­tract­ed a break­through lev­el of in­ter­est this year. Now we’re tak­ing it a step fur­ther, invit­ing End­points News read­ers to Chi­na for our in­au­gur­al 2-day in­dus­try con­fer­ence we’re host­ing in Shang­hai: BI­IS — US-Chi­na Bio­phar­ma In­no­va­tion & In­vest­ment Sum­mit.

Endpoints News

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