Let's talk AI: Top R&D ex­ecs tack­le where we are and where we're head­ed with this cru­cial new tech­nol­o­gy

As a biotech ex­ec with a back­ground in com­pu­ta­tion­al chem­istry, Rosana Kapeller has been watch­ing the hub­bub over ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence and ma­chine learn­ing in bio­phar­ma play out with a con­sid­er­able de­gree of skep­ti­cism.

“Peo­ple talk about ML and AI with­out know­ing what they are talk­ing about,” the out­spo­ken Nim­bus alum told me ear­li­er in the week. And there are some big pit­falls the unini­ti­at­ed are like­ly to drop in­to with­out warn­ing if they fol­low the crowd in­to AI with­out think­ing things through first. 

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