Lil­ly’s pipeline drug re­ta­tru­tide sets new thresh­old for weight loss at med­ical meet­ing re­veal

Eli Lil­ly’s ex­per­i­men­tal weight loss drug ap­pears to have set a new bar, help­ing obese pa­tients in a Phase II study lose 24% of their body weight af­ter about a year of treat­ment.

The drop in weight trans­lat­ed to an av­er­age of 58 pounds for pa­tients on the high­est dose of the drug, ac­cord­ing to da­ta pre­sent­ed Mon­day at the Amer­i­can Di­a­betes As­so­ci­a­tion con­fer­ence in San Diego. It’s an ef­fect that eas­i­ly beats oth­er sim­i­lar weight loss drugs in phar­ma pipelines or al­ready on the mar­ket.

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