Live to 150? Jim Mel­lon and the crew at Ju­ve­nes­cence just raised $46M more to give it a try

With his 62nd birth­day loom­ing next month, the sci­ence of an­ti-ag­ing isn’t just an­oth­er throw of the dice for British in­vestor Jim Mel­lon.

“We could do with the tech­nol­o­gy our­selves,” he says on be­half of the ex­pe­ri­enced ex­ecs lead­ing Ju­ve­nes­cence, Mel­lon’s up­start biotech ven­ture. And he’s not just think­ing about an­oth­er good 40 or 50 years. In­stead, he and the Ju­ve­nes­cence team are talk­ing about mov­ing the goal posts of life to 150, crack­ing the bi­o­log­i­cal bar­ri­ers that have formed a brick wall at 120.

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