Liv­ing in its post-Shire world, Take­da con­tin­ues ag­gres­sive li­cens­ing push in $2.3B deal with An­i­ma

As Take­da con­tin­ues chart­ing its post-Shire merg­er course, the Japan­ese drug­mak­er has of­floaded ex­pen­sive chunks of the com­bined busi­ness while tak­ing an ag­gres­sive stance on li­cens­ing deals to place bets on the fu­ture. On Thurs­day, they made an­oth­er one of those bets po­ten­tial­ly to the tune of sev­er­al bil­lion dol­lars.

Take­da has signed a col­lab­o­ra­tion with Is­raeli firm An­i­ma Biotech, cov­er­ing up to six dif­fer­ent pro­grams with promis­es of up to $2.3 bil­lion in mile­stones. Un­der the deal, An­i­ma will ini­tial­ly con­duct pre­clin­i­cal re­search for Hunt­ing­ton’s dis­ease, as well as two oth­er small mol­e­cule can­di­dates.

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