Lon­za’s mod­est fore­cast for cell and gene ther­a­pies points to un­cer­tain­ty about sec­tor's fu­ture

As Lon­za un­veiled its four-year fi­nan­cial pre­dic­tions on Tues­day, ob­servers were left un­sure about the CD­MO’s cell and gene ther­a­py (CGT) fore­cast. Nonethe­less, they were re­as­sured that the Swiss com­pa­ny’s ADC in­vest­ments ap­pear to be on an up­swing.

Lon­za’s cell and gene di­vi­sion is an­tic­i­pat­ed to gen­er­ate a com­pound an­nu­al growth rate in the “mid-teens” over the next four years end­ing in 2028 (ex­change rates ex­clud­ed), with a core EBIT­DA mar­gin of more than 25%, ac­cord­ing to Lon­za’s Cap­i­tal Mar­kets Day pre­sen­ta­tion. While CGT is “cur­rent­ly gen­er­at­ing low­er mar­gins as ex­pect­ed, we re­main con­fi­dent in their long-term com­mer­cial and ther­a­peu­tic po­ten­tial,” in­ter­im CEO Al­bert Baehny added.

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