Michael Severino, AbbVie vice chairman and president

Look­ing to bat­tle ri­vals in a big mar­ket, Ab­b­Vie is head­ed to the FDA af­ter clear­ing a PhI­II hur­dle for chron­ic mi­graine

Ever the ag­gres­sive com­peti­tor, Ab­b­Vie is tak­ing a shot at a sig­nif­i­cant la­bel ex­pan­sion for its mi­graine drug Qulip­ta (ato­gepant) that will give them a leg up in the race against Bio­haven’s mar­ket-lead­ing ri­val Nurtec.

The phar­ma gi­ant re­port­ed to­day that its lat­est Phase III study proved that a dai­ly 60 mg dose as well as a twice-dai­ly 30 mg dose of Qulip­ta — green-light­ed for treat­ing episod­ic mi­graine last fall — worked in pre­vent­ing chron­ic mi­graine, sig­nif­i­cant­ly re­duc­ing the num­ber of mi­graines ex­pe­ri­enced by the tar­get group of pa­tients com­pared to place­bo.

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