Loxo takes cen­ter stage at AS­CO with its ground­break­ing shot at a bio­mark­er-based can­cer drug ap­proval

CHICA­GO — Loxo On­col­o­gy made it in­to the AS­CO show­case over the week­end, boast­ing of a small but grow­ing num­ber of cas­es where chil­dren and adults with TRK fu­sion can­cer re­spond­ed to their lead drug, larotrec­tinib (LOXO-101). And they’re pack­ag­ing it in­to a new drug ap­pli­ca­tion they ex­pect to hus­tle to reg­u­la­tors ei­ther lat­er this year or ear­ly 2018, while show­ing off a next-gen drug com­ing up the pipeline that they’re al­ready claim­ing has es­tab­lished proof-of-con­cept ev­i­dence of ef­fi­ca­cy in two cas­es.

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