Scott Xiao, Luminopia CEO

Lu­minopia scores $16M for vir­tu­al re­al­i­ty-based lazy eye treat­ment

A Cam­bridge, MA-based biotech has se­cured an­oth­er $16 mil­lion to ex­pand its dig­i­tal ther­a­peu­tic for lazy eye.

Lu­minopia an­nounced a Se­ries A round on Tues­day from US Ven­ture Part­ners, Broad­fin Ad­vi­sors, Shang­Bay Cap­i­tal and Ver­ti­cal Group. CEO and co-founder Scott Xi­ao was in­spired by a friend who grew up with am­bly­opia, bet­ter known as lazy eye, which typ­i­cal­ly de­vel­ops in ear­ly child­hood.

“It’s ac­tu­al­ly a bit of a mis­nomer in that with pa­tients with am­bly­opia, there’s ac­tu­al­ly no struc­tur­al is­sues with the eye it­self,” Xi­ao said. “It’s ac­tu­al­ly a de­fi­cien­cy in the brain and in the vi­su­al path­ways be­hind one of the eyes.”

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