Deborah Dunsire, Lundbeck CEO

Lund­beck tries to rush its FDA-ap­proved mi­graine drug to Chi­na but fails PhI­II tri­al

Sales of Lund­beck’s CGRP in­hibitor Vyep­ti, first ap­proved in the US in 2020 and ear­li­er this year in Eu­rope, dou­bled to more than $50 mil­lion in the first half of 2022. But the up-and-com­ing mi­graine drug faces a crowd­ed field and the com­pa­ny dis­closed Thurs­day that it failed to beat out place­bo in a small­er Phase III tri­al based in Asia.

The set­back may not mean much in terms of in­tro­duc­ing the drug in­to Asian coun­tries more wide­ly, but it’s a set­back nonethe­less.

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