Lykos shores up com­mer­cial team for MD­MA drug; For­mer J&J CEO Alex Gorsky finds his next gig

Lykos Ther­a­peu­tics is on a jour­ney to get the first MD­MA-as­sist­ed PTSD ther­a­py ap­proved by the FDA, and the biotech has tapped two new lead­ers to com­plete the trip.

The ad­di­tions of com­mer­cial chief Al­li­son Rosen­thal and VP of mar­ket ac­cess Coy Stout come at a piv­otal mo­ment for the Cal­i­for­nia start­up, which for years went by the name MAPS Pub­lic Ben­e­fit Cor­po­ra­tion be­fore re­brand­ing as Lykos along­side a $100 mil­lion fi­nanc­ing in Jan­u­ary.

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