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Macro­Gen­ics CEO Scott Koenig gets the pre-AS­CO par­ty start­ed with some en­cour­ag­ing pipeline tid­bits — leav­ing lots of ques­tions for lat­er

Bioreg­num Opin­ion Col­umn by John Car­roll

Gen­er­al­ly, you have to wait and see what ab­stracts and se­lect­ed pro­grams get the spot­light at AS­CO be­fore in­vestors have a chance to weigh in. But Macro­Gen­ics $MGNX CEO Scott Koenig isn’t wait­ing around to go through of­fi­cial chan­nels for his first nuggets of news. On their Q1 call, the CEO laid out a trail of tid­bits from their planned AS­CO da­ta re­leas­es on Wednes­day that rang up a gang­buster re­sponse on Wall Street.

Here’s one morsel of in­for­ma­tion that got a lot of at­ten­tion:

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