A new liver disease awareness video from Madrigal Pharmaceuticals follows a patient advocate spreading the word to take NASH seriously. (Number One Liver Fan via YouTube)

Madri­gal builds on liv­er dis­ease aware­ness cam­paigns as it awaits FDA de­ci­sion on NASH drug resme­tirom

Madri­gal Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals wants peo­ple with fat­ty liv­er dis­ease to be the num­ber one fan of their liv­ers. Its new “pa­tient ser­vice an­nounce­ment,” shown first on Thurs­day in Boston be­fore the an­nu­al Liv­er Meet­ing, fol­lows one such “fan” as she goes about her day in the neigh­bor­hood.

The new video project adds to Madri­gal’s on­go­ing liv­er dis­ease aware­ness work around non­al­co­holic steato­hep­ati­tis, or NASH. Its “Tak­ing on Fat­ty Liv­er and NASH” cam­paign de­buted in the sum­mer, while its health­care pro­fes­sion­al cam­paign “NASH Ex­plored” be­gan last year.

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