David Thomas (L), VP of industry research and Emily Wheeler, director of infectious disease policy at BIO

Mar­ket is­sues prey on po­ten­tial bounce­back for an­tibi­otics, says a new re­port — here's how to fix it

In the realm of drug R&D, the dra­mat­ic col­lapse of the an­tibi­otics space — es­pe­cial­ly in light of the steady growth of an­tibi­ot­ic re­sis­tance — has been ob­vi­ous for years now. And ac­cord­ing to an­a­lysts at in­dus­try group BIO, it’s not been an is­sue with the drug-to-FDA suc­cess rate, where de­vel­op­ers in the field have seen a rel­a­tive­ly high rate of suc­cess.

The in­dus­try group re­leased its of­fi­cial re­port on an­tibi­otics this morn­ing, not­ing new trends about the pipeline for an­tibi­otics and the con­tin­u­ing ex­o­dus of bio­phar­ma and in­vestors, all point­ing to mar­ket is­sues at play. And the an­a­lysts have a few ur­gent sug­ges­tions on how to cure the field of what ails it.

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