Mar­ket­ingRx roundup: Ab­b­Vie de­buts Qulip­ta mi­graine TV ads; Lil­ly fo­cus­es on Olympic ath­lete in boy­cotted Games

Ab­b­Vie launched its first main­stream ad cam­paign for mi­graine pre­ven­tion med Qulip­ta. In two 45-sec­ond TV com­mer­cials, peo­ple are shown staving off mi­graine on­set as they move through dai­ly trig­gers like men­stru­al pe­ri­od, stress or rainy weath­er. One par­tic­u­lar sen­tence, “Qulip­ta can help pre­vent mi­graine at­tacks,” is re­peat­ed three times, each time with the words splashed on the screen at the same time – with the mid­dle words, “pre­vent mi­graine,” in all caps and red-or­ange let­ters.

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