Mar­ket­ingRx roundup: Ei­sai part­ners on head and neck can­cer cam­paign; As­traZeneca, Dai­ichi ads pop up at AACR

Ei­sai is team­ing up with a group of head and neck can­cer ad­vo­cates to draw at­ten­tion to the un­der-rec­og­nized con­di­tion. The “Made of More” cam­paign us­es in­ter­ac­tive art­work with a click-to-re­veal fea­ture to read about six dif­fer­ent peo­ple af­fect­ed by head and neck can­cer (HNC).

The peo­ple pro­filed in­clude men and women vary­ing in age and in­clude both pa­tients and care­givers. One young woman Al­li­son, for in­stance, talks about her ex­pe­ri­ence as a care­giv­er to her hus­band while al­so man­ag­ing a ca­reer and child, even­tu­al­ly turn­ing her non-prof­it group for care­givers in­to a full-time job.

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