Mar­ket­ingRx roundup: Pfiz­er re­ups sick­le cell cam­paign with NFL play­er; Alk­er­mes aims for bipo­lar pa­tients with TV ad

Pfiz­er is ex­tend­ing its sick­le cell aware­ness cam­paign with San Fran­cis­co 49ers run­ning back Tevin Cole­man, whose young daugh­ter lives with the dis­ease. The new work is a spon­sor­ship with TV show In­side Edi­tion for an in­ter­view and ed­u­ca­tion video with Tevin and his wife Ak­i­lah about their lives and “game plan” for their 6-year-old daugh­ter.

Pfiz­er took over the “Sick­le Cell Speaks” ef­fort in late 2022 with so­cial me­dia posts, ads and a cam­paign web­site. The In­side Edi­tion video di­rects view­ers to the site for more in­for­ma­tion, and more videos with the Cole­mans and oth­er peo­ple liv­ing with sick­le cell.

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