Mar­ket­ingRx roundup: Su­per Bowl scores last minute ad from di­ag­nos­tic; BBC spot­lights As­traZeneca vac­cine

Su­per Bowl ads aren’t typ­i­cal­ly a last-minute buy. Get­ting a spot be­fore in­ven­to­ry sells out is usu­al­ly an is­sue, but so is tak­ing the time to cre­ate a world-is-watch­ing TV spot. Di­ag­nos­tics tech com­pa­ny Cue Health, how­ev­er, whipped up its Su­per Bowl ad idea and com­mer­cial in less than a month.

The smart, at-home Covid-19 health test­ing de­vice mak­er worked with its ad agency Don­er to cre­ate and shoot two dif­fer­ent ads, choos­ing its game win­ner just eight days ago, ac­cord­ing to Ad­ver­tis­ing Age.

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