Martin Shkreli

Mar­tin Shkre­li can't de­lay $25M pay­ment over an­ti­com­pet­i­tive case, judge rules

The judge over­see­ing Mar­tin Shkre­li’s civ­il case over his no­to­ri­ous price hike of a life­sav­ing drug isn’t in a for­giv­ing mood.

Shkre­li had asked to de­lay pay­ing $24.6 mil­lion as part of a judg­ment — which al­so bans the “Phar­ma Bro” from the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal in­dus­try for life — while he pre­pares to file an ap­peal. But Judge Denise Cote de­nied his bid.

In­fa­mous for jack­ing up the price of the an­tipar­a­sitic drug Dara­prim by 4000% overnight (and show­ing no re­morse what­so­ev­er), Shkre­li how­ev­er faced his first le­gal con­se­quences over an un­re­lat­ed crim­i­nal case of se­cu­ri­ties fraud in­volv­ing his in­vestors. While serv­ing his sev­en-year prison term, though, the FTC and sev­en states gath­ered enough ev­i­dence to file a civ­il law­suit over what they said was an an­ti­com­pet­i­tive scheme to de­lay the en­try of Dara­prim gener­ics.

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